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Prophetic Words

1 Timothy 1:18-19


18This command I entrust to you, Timothy, my son, in accordance with the prophecies previously made concerning you, so that [inspired and aided] by them you may fight the good fight [in contending with false teachers], 19keeping your faith [leaning completely on God with absolute trust and confidence in His guidance] and having a good conscience; for some [people] have rejected [their moral compass] and have made a shipwreck of their faith. (AMP)

Chuck Pierce, Word of Life, Newark, Delaware


"Now hear the word of the Lord. I would say to you there would be an unprecedented unity that arises throughout this state, I say all three counties will begin to experience me in a new way. I say my triune power will be displayed in this State. I say there will be meetings and gatherings where explosive praise breaks loose from South to North, saith the Lord. And I say to you in one explosive gathering the Father will be displayed with an incredible love to those that are unlovely. In another gathering, I say the Son's power will be demonstrated and healing will break forth, but I say in the third gathering, Holy Spirit will come to dwell in the State, and I say from this place a highway will form, for I say there is a new war brewing on the horizon and Delaware will be heard of in this nation. I say the highway of triumph out of death, and resurrection will come out of Delaware saith the Lord, I say form me a highway that sorrow will turn to praise saith the Lord. Form me a highway that war and triumph can be ushered into the land. I say to you in Delaware you will now create a model that will go from this state and reorder the root of freedom in this land. I say from this State you will penetrate, overtake Philadelphia and cause freedom to rise up when Pennsylvania and the seven states surrounding come together. I say to you there is a sound in your midst that has laid dormant throughout these seasons and there is a sound that even the First People had that has not been heard in this land, this is the sound that will shake a nation. And I say to you the sound and voice are one, so from the unprecedented unity that arises in this State My voice will penetrate from this State through the gate of this State and touch the gates of this land and cause 23 other states to rise up, take notice and shout loudly and from that the sound will cause this nation instead of splitting to come alive and cry unity and freedom once again saith the Lord. So, allow the sound to rise up, allow my voice to come and watch a nation change out of the State of Delaware. Let’s give a shout.”


Delaware Gideons

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